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The goods are shipped in the original manufacturer's package and/or on Pallet

The right of ownership of the Products passes to the customer after payment in full of the products or their delivery, if this occurs last.
The risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred to the consumer when the consumer or a third party, and other than the carrier, acquires physical possession of the goods.

It's possible in some cases, for logistical reasons, use another carrier than specified in the order confirmation.

The shipment has for default the insurance for shipping damage or loss, that being optional, can also be removed by removing the check mark on "Insurance for shipping damage or loss" before finalizing order.

In the absence of insurance for transport damage, there isn't compensation in case of loss and / or damage of the goods.

On this page we would like to give advice for the receipt of goods to protect itself from damage caused by transportation.

Upon delivery of the goods by the courier before signing, the customer is required to check:

1° that the number and appearance of the boxes are same as reported in the transport document received in advance via e-mail;
2° that the packaging is not damaged, or wet or otherwise altered;
3° that the items delivered correspond to codes and quantities as indicated in the transport document.

Only after you have verified the above and did not find any abnormality, you can sign for the items received in GOOD CONDITION.


Missing packages
Examples: Some items indicated on the delivery note are missing.
Record the missing item/s, on the consignment note and have the delivery driver confirm this by signing it.
If the driver refuses to sign it, make your notes anyway and add the text: "Driver's signature missing, as refused to sign".
Should the signature be on an electronic display unit, sign slightly smaller and make sure the word "MISSING PACKAGES" is recorded and clearly legible.
If possible, also get the driver to record the delivery as defective in his system.
The request for missing packages, will not be accepted if not reported to the driver, and recorded at the moment of delivery.


What to do in the event of transport damage

Despite  the efforts of everyone involved to always provide you with goods in perfect condition, transport damage can unfortunately still occur.
It is therefore extremely important that you inspect your goods for damage when received.
Document any damage found and record this in the transport/shipping documents.
This is absolutely vital for later regulation of any issues.
Should any product received by you suffer from transport damage, please inform us within 24 hours from receipt.

We can not accept responsibility for any damage that is not reported to us within 24 hours of receipt of goods.

 We require the following information/papers:
- Transport/shipping documents with corresponding notes on the damage and confirmation by the driver
- Information regarding which shipment and which goods are affected (e.g. copy of delivery note)
- Information regarding the type of damage (include photos if available)

Visible transport damage
Examples: Carton box torn or crushed or severely dented, polystyrene broken or cracked, parts of the equipment
protruding out of the packaging, broken pallets, missing pallets, fork from forklift truck has penetrated the box on the pallet,…
What to do in these cases:
Record the type of damage as above indicated, on the consignment note and have the delivery driver confirm this by signing it.
If the driver refuses to sign it, make your notes anyway and add the text: "Driver's signature missing, as refused to sign".
Should the signature be on an electronic display unit, sign slightly smaller and make sure the word "DAMAGED" is recorded and clearly legible.
If possible, also get the driver to record the delivery as defective/damaged in his system.
You can also use your own forms to record and document damage if this is standard practice in your company.
If you are at all unsure, rather than accepting a damaged delivery which you suspect you may be liable for, simply refuse delivery and let us know about the damage.
If a driver refuses to grant you delivery if you wish to record the damage (i.e. insisting on a signature without any damage notes or no delivery), simply refuse to accept the delivery and let us know as soon as you can.

The request for visible transport damages, will not be accepted if not reported to the driver, and recorded at the moment of delivery.

Hidden transport damage
Examples: Box and/or  pallet appears apparently undamaged externally, but damage is detected when opening
the delivery packaging.
Unlike obvious transport damage, the goods were accepted "against clean receipt".
No damage was made clear to or recorded by the carrier.
The burden of proof against the carrier therefore lies between sender and recipient.
In such cases, complete and comprehensive documentation is therefore essential (photos of the internal
and external packaging (Including pallet if indicated on the delivery note) , photos of the damaged sections, descriptions of the damage, etc.).
In addition to this, any such damage must be reported in writing to the carrier within 24 hours of receipt.
Click on the courier link:

Once these 24 hours have elapsed, the carrier/courier and any insurance will assume that the goods
have been delivered satisfactorily and that any damage can now no longer be settled.

The requests for hidden damages will be processed only after acceptance of practice by courier.

Failed delivery
Failed delivery charges, may be applied in the event that a delivery fails due to – but not limited to - any of the following reasons:
You cancel the order after the point at which the goods have been loaded for delivery at our warehouse.
You provide insufficient/incorrect contact details or an incorrect delivery address thereby resulting in our inability to contact you or otherwise make a successful delivery.
You refuse delivery upon arrival of our delivery vehicle.
There is no-one at the delivery address to accept delivery.
There are parking restrictions or other access problems which you failed to notify us about.

In the event that the attempt of delivery has failed, all costs of shipping (Roundtrip), of storage and management incurred by Kasastore, will be borne by the customer.


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